Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Three times I've been back to the supermarket to buy canned crushed tomatoes at a special price, three times I've failed... Yesterday there was a delivery coming during the day, but those 48 cans were gone the same day... for 4 SEK difference to ordinary price... when I realised that (the 4 SEK difference) I thought that I could buy these another time. I talked to one of the store personell and he told me that usually they sell maybe 10/week, so 49 i8 in one day was a surprise! I got other canned tomatoes from the same brand and went home. 

The prompt for todays challenge was 'throwback' and I had no idea what to make, until I remembered this photo that was part of a 'receipt' from to company I ordered photos from. They have one of the photos you've ordered in a smaller size beside the number of photos you've ordered and some other information. I had to look for a while before I found it in a box. This is a photo of our summer cottage being built in the late 1960s and I made it into a tag to fit the pocket I made for yesterdays challenge. 

I also had a mail conversation with my contact at the agency that's trying to get me into a program for another place for practice. There's a queue and I've been waiting since end of October now... But, the main thing for me is that I'm getting in there, not when, just that I get this opportunity before the present government changes the system and I miss out on a chance. 
My contact wants me to take a 'job seeking course'. I've been on one before... I've gone to special seminars at the university, too, and participated in the Employment Agency seminar in the same topic, but sure... I can take one more course... It might e useful though, to learn how to explain that you're the one they'll hire despite the many holes in my CV with sick leaves and longterm covid and such.
A new course means I need a notebook... not any of those I have were suitable, so I've made one today. I need to put the papers in the cover and glue down some embellishment on the front, but then I'm done. Feels so good to be able to construct a notebook in just a few hours. :) I'll blip it tomorrow.

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