Place: St Pete Beach, FL 49/72
Main activity: Wed - Packing/moving, interview
Notes: Awake quite early and did qigong, yoga and stretching again. Stomach bothering me all morning. Did things around the house and packed up more, researched a stove until my phone interview w/ Thyme Saver Meals at 11a - went nearly an hour. Went to pool again for short bit then just had chicken bone broth and toast. Headed to Bette's to load up almost the last of it, stop where I bought a flamingo print as I found something of theirs (and bought a couple more little stands and picked out some free stuff). Then on to the new place, old dryer had been picked up, new small one put in (hoping it works well enough and accommodates my stuff). Didn't stay too long this time, was waiting on UPS delivery but it was moved to tomorrow. Headed back and made stops at Total Wine & Target then back to Casa. 

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