Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Off to the Quacks we went..

Poor Lucy woke up having trouble swallowing again .. Seems what ever she had that kept her off school last week never really went away.. So I booked a doctors appointment and we were seen by 9am !! Bonus ... It must be a bad throat as they gave her antibiotics and doctors NEVER give them out like that anymore !! This is only the third lot Lucy has ever had.

Managed a dry dog walk this morning and just as I got back to the car the skies opened up and 678 days of rain fell in 4 minutes ..

Now for the serious bit .. I am on day one of a detox .. Not a diet .. A detox .. Healthy poo is all the rage I have been informed .. I am drinking 5,000 litres of aloe Vera juice and I almost ate the dog food earlier as I think I might be going into shock ...
I shall update tomorrow if I am spared x

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