Not so naughty step

The daughter’s long delayed Christmas Party so an opportunity to be helpful and take the minky off her hands for an overnighter. Here she is patiently waiting on her front step as she was bid while I ferried her clothes and familiars over to the car. Including her wee brother’s hippo which she’d sneaked in herself.
We had a fine time despite never venturing out. There were cookies to bake, plasticine to play with and we even indulged her with her favourite episode of Timmy Time. She’s a wee joy. Off to bed she trotted and fell asleep without delay.
In fact she was so little bother that I was sent packing without delay as well. A goodly gathering of the hoodies in the hood - eight of us, so much blethering. And a sup or two, too. Let’s hope she doesn’t wake too early... 

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