The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Not dark yet 16.55! I brought the washing in. I am not sure whether being on the line for four hours had made it any drier. The temperature was 9 degrees "feels like 6" but that sun was shining and there was NO rain!

CleanSteve went to the market. Little piggy-me stayed at home, then went out to the Trinity Rooms for lunch with the usual crowd, and also met one of my near-neighbours. He is not a very well man and his conversation tends to be somewhat circular. The risotto was good, and I have ended up planning a joint birthday celebration with one of the regulars who is sometimes known as "Union Steve". (In our
corner of the street there's Steve, Steve, Martin and Steve. I'm still looking for Cuthbert, Dibble and Grubb....)

I came home and did some admin, and now people keep ringing me up and asking me annoying questions. Hey folks, haven't you heard? It's Friday evening!

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