Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


My dining room smells so good, and the lilies are really putting on a show!  They are PD's favorite flower, so they are often part of my bouquets.  This time, the whole bouquet is lilies. :-)  Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Fridays!

My first session with the personal trainer went very well.  It's been a few years since I've used weight machines, but I've had a lot of experience with them.  Brittany was pleased with my starting point and is confident that she and I will do well together.  I had to cancel my appointment for next Friday, so we'll only have one session next week.  After that we're shooting for three times per week.  I'm a happy camper!

I am grateful for muscle memory.  It definitely helped with my posture and technique on the machines. :-)

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