
By LivW7

Missing Keys

This evening Alf suggested that we go on an evening drive to morrisons after dinner to see if they have anything good in the reduced section (sounds boring to some but is actually really fun!). We finished our dinner and went to the car to then find out Alf forgot his keys, we started looking for them and realised they weren't where he put them in the kitchen? We then spent 40 minutes tearing the house apart, lifting furniture, checking through cupboards and draws just for my mum to suggest the worst thing possible... are they in the bin? My mum then took the bin bag out - and luckily there wasnt really anything gross in the bin as it had been changed that morning - and looked to the bottom of it to see Alf's keys! He had accidently chucked them in the bin while throwing out his rubbish from lunch

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