Daily Telegraph and Morning Post.

Friday, August 19, 1960.

Yesterday the window fitters found several newspaper pages, all neatly rolled up over thin doweling under the sills. Probably some kind of draught excluders?

Today I gently removed the perfectly cut sellotape and unrolled the paper to reveal the pages. Fascinating reading the text, especially this article about women. Here are some quotes ....

"Woman's two contrasting selves pose a problem for all her suitors".
"On one hand, she is a firmly practical person. She is a housewife."
"Yet she remains a feminine creature. She likes pretty things, gay things. She sets store by appearances - her own, and that of her home'.

Have times or have woman changed ? Or, has journalism, and the way woman are viewed changed? Quaint way of writing about us I think.

I particularly like the quote "Wallpaper is back in fashion". The reason I like it is - What goes around comes around, because it seems to me that once again , now in 2023 wallpaper is making a comeback.

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