One More Time

Well, we scraped through this afternoon’s show, although it was touch and go as to whether or not our baddie would make it. He’d intimated this morning that he didn’t think he could do the matinee, but a mix of cajoling and military grade pharmaceuticals, in conjunction with a body mic, meant he was able to get to the end. We’re really hopeful that a couple of hours rest will enable him to get through this evening’s show as well.
Duncan reprised his role as Dame and we repeated the routine of pretending the show would be cancelled if we couldn’t find a stand in Dame. We’ll do the same tonight and probably milk it even more during the show that he is a last minute replacement. He is pictured here just checking he has the right bit of script for the scene he is about to do.
It should be a good final show tonight - illness concerns aside - as we will not only have the usual “end of term” giddiness, but we have a fair few family and friends of cast in the audience. We even have a few former BATS members attending, who seem quite excited by the prospect of seeing our replacement Dame in action!
“Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more…”

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