
By laniakea

Tennis and Paint

Linc had his first tennis lesson today. Thankfully we just had a bit of rain and missed the torrential downpour by minutes. He seemed to enjoy tennis and I enjoyed watching him through the fence. I was the only parent sitting in the rain watching - everyone else was in the clubhouse chatting. These social situations always make me feel a little uneasy, as it seems everyone knows one another. 

After tennis, Ron painted the bathroom. We have one more coat to go before it's done, then onto the hallway outside for two more coats. I'm putting up some of my photos in the communal hallway and am having the hardest time choosing which photos to print. 

We played 90's R&B on the stereo in the early evening and danced for a while, then made chicken fried rice with veggies for dinner. 

A friend of mine in Hawai'i asked me if I wanted to start a project making one another mixed cassette tapes like how we used to do in the late 90's / early 2000's. Seems fun, but time consuming. It would be a nice meditative project to do if I could somehow fit time in for myself.

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