My Restless Lens

By terri365


Well, what an adventure in the woods this morning!  I took the main path up to the top of the hill and planned my usual route down which is a gentle route down which would be better for Geriatric Boy.  When I started to head downwards I discovered that the machine of mass destruction had been beside my usual path...  I normally keep going towards the sign and take a left (over the new puddles) then continue on the path that goes along the top of the old quarry.  I tried to get across but Aonghus sunk in the mud so I decided we would just keep going instead of heading left...

Well I had to cross 4 sets of those tracks to get down the hill.  Poor Aonghus was covered in mud and my boots didn't fare too well either - the extra is after crossing one of those sets of tracks.  You can imagne what they looked like by the time we got home!  They have churned up the ground and made a helluva mess!  And no doubt when they are donw they will just leave it like that - because that's what they did the last time!

Rant over...

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