Beautiful people

Day 8

The live music outside our room stopped sometime after 1am when I fell asleep but more singing and music woke me at 3am. After a breakfast of a pineapple slice, French bread and jam and Nescafé we eventually left for the long drive to Ghana. The driver starter off tired and fed up as there was nowhere for him to sleep apart from the bus. He said in 19 years driving he’s never been treated so badly.

A few miles down the road the clutch went and this time it wasn’t the cable. It is Sunday and even garages are shut. We sat in the bus and read, getting out for a walk to have a leg stretch sometimes and tried to find a bit of shade. Pity none of us bought those travel voodoo fetishes from the priest on Monday. Then we’d have been ok.

They found a mechanic in a nearby place who said he’d go to town with the original part and come back with the same. He came back with a similar part but of course not the same so it didn’t work. There was no plan B for a couple of hours then it was decided we’d go back in second gear, find a part (perhaps) or a new vehicle (perhaps). We’ll be left at the “very basic” hotel where there’s cold beer while something is sorted out. Some people are in a strop because they wanted to see the weavers and rain forest. I think these were just on the itinerary to give us something to do en route. We got a nice omelette sandwich for lunch while we waited.

At 2.30 a luxury coach with aircon, wifi, seat belts, and a film arrived to take us to the next hotel. Our poor Nigerian driver is left with his bus trying to get it fixed and may join us later. While transferring his stuff from the first bus Adrian’s carry-on bag was run over by a car. His iPad and posh camera are smashed.

We expect to get to the hotel around 9pm so I’ll try to post from the bus wifi. I have no photos today we we made stops only for the loo. That would have made a nice blip. Imagine the treat this bus has been! Uploading in the hotels is harder.

Some have asked for more info about the group. Sorry I might be sued. There’s a female diva know to some as her ladyship and a male Australian/Neanderthal.

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