About 30 years ago I wanted an electric guitar. They were quite expensive but a friend of mine had all the parts to build one bit had never bothered. For 20 quid the parts became mine and I built it. It worked sufficiently for a couple of years until I decided to buy a second hand hollow body with my student grant. Which I still use and recently passed it's 40th year.
Anyway the old home made guitar lived for many years in billygoats loft before being transferred to our loft a few years back.
Recently Toby has been experimenting with alternate tunings (mostly drop B) which is a pain when he wants to go back to standard tuning and is so low it really requires thicker strings to work. So we pulled this out of the loft and Toby spent the day dismantling it and I showed him his to use the detail sander.
The paint design is going to be matt black with gloss red section with paint runs to look like blood and a mirrored scratch plate. Very metal.
Anyway I'm super proud of him, he's quite excited and got him in the garage with the tools instead of in front of the pc.
- 1
- 2
- Google Pixel 5
- 1/36
- f/1.7
- 4mm
- 517
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