Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

A Fiery Start

It was worthy an early walk along the canal to see this sunrise.  I wasn't sure as I headed out that it would be so colourful.  There was plenty of cloud to the east and very few openings.  It was breezy though, which meant the clouds were moving quite fast.

As it was a small gap on the horizon allowed the sun to illuminate the clouds above, at least for a short while.

I've started to have problems viewing Facebook with the newsfeed page constantly scrolling and jumping.  Apparently it is a known issue, though the only advice is to try another browser and/or clear the cache and cookies for the site.  So far neither has helped though it did get me to check my internet speed, which bizarrely is little better than 1Mb/s on my laptop, while the mobile devices are recording 50-60 Mb/s.  Time for some more research to find out what I can do.

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