500 photos

My 500th consecutive blip - never thought when I started that I would get this far!
There have been some good times and some of the very worst times of my life in those 500 days, and in a way blip has got me through. On days when I could barely think straight a few minutes out with my camera helped to calm me. It has made me look at my surroundings in a completely different way, always on the look out for an unusual shot.

I have to say that at the moment I am struggling for inspiration, not helped by the weather. Am I tempted to bow out at 500? Not really - it's a struggle some days but I can't imagine not taking a blip each day. And this is a great community, so many friendly blippers with helpful advice.

My photography is still a bit hit and miss - some good shots, some not so good, but I have learnt a lot about my camera. Just wish I had more time to experiment and push myself further.

So thank you to all of you who have commented on my photos, apologies for not spending more time commenting on yours - and happy blipday to those of you who share the day with me!

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