
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

It is officially Caro's birthday today so first of all happy birthday to her. 

Having said all that there was not much celebrating going on today. We were all wrecked from the events of last night. Especially Feefs who has done her back in and spent most of today struggling to get up off of things. 

I felt really bad for her. Of all the weeks for this to happen. 

Craig also has a bad back but he is keeping it quiet. "Mate," he said, "I don't even want to have that conversation... 'You think you're in pain???'"

He has a point. 

But we did let Picasso the Rainbow Lorikeet out of his cage to fly around the room and have some fun. He likes to sit on you and groom you and he is (for the most part) quite gentle. He's also a delightful little fellow, really quite happy and delighted in his lot to be a bird. He whistles and he dances and he steals your food. 

Feefs and Craig acquired him from Craig's sister who decided she didn't want Picasso any more and that is all I shall be saying about her because WHO EVEN DOES THAT*. 

Right after I took this picture, Picasso drank some of my coffee, stole some of my sandwich and pooped on Feefs who then struggled to get up off the couch to clean herself up. So it's not all upside with Picasso the Happy Lorikeet, but I love him anyway.


* Nazis and PERVERTS, that's who. We do not like bird-abandoners.

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