It's a Geeks Life

By geekmeek

New Leica My Pinhole

What a lovely celebration to end our journey to our LRPS tonight.

We turned up at the RPS London Cave tonight for a private view of the SIG Exhibition and expecting to have some celebratory Champagne and dinner after.

Little did we know that our lovely London Chair, Del had arranged for our certificates to be printed and then presented to us by the RPS Vice Chair, I knew something was up when we were referred to as Guests of Honour when we walked in ( late).

After the formalities Roger asked me if I wanted to see his new Leica MP and the picture shows it in its glory! They had been playing pinhole at the darkroom class today. Del, being a Leica shooter for real is not to be out done and is now planning a Jimmy Choo-ter Pinhole. Such a hoot!

Anyway, the evening was rounded off with sea food and champers at Bibendum, a fitting way to celebrate!

Fabulous evening. X

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