One Last....

...look at yesterday's tulip as the lovely afternoon sun was streaming through the kitchen window. Then they were done and now out in the trash bin. Another opportunity to buy new ones!

I had a bunch of meetings this morning, then drove over (all of a 2 minute drive) to visit my old garden at the ex's house. It's looking good, for mid-January. I found all sorts of stirrings: Hellebores, Sarcococca (can't remember the species) in full bloom in the new, dry garden; Pieris with lovely pink buds and the Mahonia budding up. I've put a couple in extras. It's sort of bittersweet, but I sure am happier in my new house. And my landscaper is coming on Thursday to help me envision the new courtyard garden ;-)

And finally, an amazing massage - the first I've had since the surgery...timing was perfect. I slept/dozed through the entire hour. Pure heaven.

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