This morning I met my Mum and a nurse from her care home at the GP surgery, where she was to have her leg ulcer re-dressed. Fortunately, the lesion has improved greatly with compression bandaging over the past six weeks. I returned with her to the home, where I joined her for lunch. Afterwards, we had a walk around the garden and spoke to some other residents, but I was aware of a growing unease and irritation building up in my Mum's state of mind. She had several outbursts, shouting at me that she wasn't staying there, demanding I must take her back to her home, etc. I gathered from other residents that they were aware of her agitated behaviour and had tried to pacify her. At about 4pm I tried to leave and she said she would see me off. However what she actually wanted to do was to shout at me again, in the entrance hall, where two members of staff saw what was happening and guided her away so I could leave! Later, on speaking to my sister, we agreed this is most likely Sundowner behaviour, a common feature in some types of dementia. We had seen this exhibited in her own home but it has become more pronounced since her move. This is proving a very bumpy ride for all of us. I'm sure staff at the Home are observing and discussing this, but waiting for a while before they try making any major interventions.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, two expert flooring fitters were prepping our kitchen floor for laying the new flooring. Last week the carpenter did his best to replace rotten chipboard but there was still the challenge of ensuring the newer solid floor of the extension was completely level with the original suspended floor. So we used this as an excuse to go our for dinner, again! Twice in a week, what decadence! This time we bussed into Winchester to eat at Cote Brasserie, which was very good.
My blip is of Westgate, at the top of the High Street, and now the only surviving medieval gateway in Winchester. It houses a museum (currently closed, I believe). What I find remarkable is that until well into the 20th century all the traffic passed through the main arch way !
The view from Westgate is my all time favourite image of Winchester, having discovered it on my very first visit to the city, when I came for a job interview in 1981.
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