Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90

Come Back

Come Back - Foo Fighters

One of the best tracks off One by One, Foo Fighters 4th album. One of my least favourite Foo's albums (I'm a big fan but this one is a bit too patchy for my liking) but this is still a classic track by Grohl et al.

Not sure if this was exactly what I was going for shot wise but I quite like it. Thanks once again to Natalia for agreeing to be my muse.


Lie In
Exam (went well, as well as a translation / essay exam in spanish can go!)
PhotoSoc - Composition practise today. Lots of fun, and lots learned.
Drinks with Dom - Much needed catch up with my best friend. We revise in very different ways, meaning I don't see him as much as I would like

The light up this way was fantastic this evening, wish I'd had my camera out and not buried under the detritus in my backpack for the walk home. Hopefully we will get a few more nights like this when my exams are over!

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