Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

The roads were not so icy today, though I had to scrape the two day thick ice off the car windows this morning - something I haven’t had to do for many a long year.

I was taking Pip and his mum to the vet. They’ve had to go every day since the attack, to have his bandages and drains renewed. But there was such an improvement today that he doesn’t need to go back till Friday now. 

I watched a bit of tennis (Djokovic) before dragging myself away to the gym, for my pathetic wee ‘circuit’. We went round the graveyard first, then JR took him on a big long walk. She had to get her step count up, because they had taken the bus this morning, the pavements still being a bit icy.

Back home and caught a replay of Andy Murray’s match, though I didn’t watch all of it - I knew he’d won. Well done, Andy!

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