
Surprisingly deftly he extricated himself from the cubicle and started to walk towards the gang
The manager smiled smugly and the group stepped back looking apprehensive.
The mohicaned mechanical engineer stood defiantly though his legs were loose at the knees ready to scarper quickly if events deteriorated badly.
Walter pressed onwards and on reaching him stretched out a ham of an arm and.....shook the punks hand vigorously
The manager looked incredulously on.
“Your right, every machine in here is either rigged, broken or 10 years out of’s a shit hole. You after one of these cheap crap watches then?
The punk nodded uneasily.
“Right, let’s see what we can do”
Walter eyed the machine moving his head from side to side assessing the best place to grip and then when satisfied put his arms on either side of the machine and tensed. The manager goggled his jaw hanging.
There was a terrible sound like an amplified tooth being pulled followed by a shower of sparks and an ice like crack as the inverted enclosure shattered spraying the ground with a mixture of polystyrene balls ,cheap watches, rolled up bank notes and tangled mechanics. The shock of the crowd was short lived as pockets were stuffed quickly and efficiently, notes and watches taking priority over boxes of dolly mixture and gonks.
Walter stood impassively both onlooker and participant and made no reaction as one of the punks, as he squeezed by, whispered “thanks big man, maybe see you at the Mariners Arms tonight?”
Seeing the animated manager on the phone in his office Walter could see no advantage in hanging around and walking past a throng of impressed but slightly nervous tourists left Coral Island, flickering and shrieking amongst its concrete sea as if nothing had happened. 

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