probably definately

By chole33


Yeah, that's an ER bracelet. I wasn't doing too well yesterday evening. Neither Ibu nor Tylenol were helping. I couldn't really swallow without a drink of water because it hurt. I talked myself (some serious mind over matter) into going to sleep at about 8. That worked until about 11 when I woke up, swallowed, and the pain was so bad I threw up. Yeah, that felt awesome.

The options I was willing to consider at that point were go to the ER for pain drugs, or stay up all night until the Urgent Care opened in the morning. Going back to sleep to get a repeat of the above was not on my to-do list.

Posted ER wait time was under 15 minutes, so Andy drove me over. The first round of pain drugs hit before the anti-nausea drugs hit. That was fun. But then I got a nice IV of hydrating, pain-killing, sleep-inducing drugs. That helped me get at least some sleep last night.

That bill isn't going to be great when I get it, but the less pain sleep was certainly key to feeling a little better today.

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