…..if I could get there. Too far to walk and not allowed to drive, even if I had my car back. Bummer!
These dice were a birthday present last year.
Saw a physiotherapist today at St Andrews. An initial assessment and lots of instructions on what not to do. Came home with sheets of exercises, that are the same ones I’ve been doing with YouTube, so that’s fine.
Short walks, and I mean very short walks on a flat surface, no incline, to start with. If I can walk to the first lamp post and back with no bad pain afterwards, then the next day I can try to walk on to the next lamp post. Jings, This is going to take time. I didn’t realise it was going to be such a slow process.
What was great about my day was that after my appointment Susan, who kindly took me there and back, and I, went for a cuppa.
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