This morning.

Had to clear snow off the car again but it was easier to clear than yesterday.
Went into town to the Post Office in order to send a birthday card to my brother in Sweden but they are not accepting any overseas mail due to some cyber attack. Wasted journey!
Some of the pavements are treacherous and it seemed safer to walk in the road than on them in many places.
So as not to have my trip to town a total wast I had a mooch around. Bought a hat in TJ Hughes (reduced from £10 to £8 and when it went through the till it had been reduced again to £7. Bargain. Many aisles in the store were closed off and there were buckets and basins all over a long stretch where there was water coming through the ceiling. Not good!
Went in a couple of other shops and bought nothing but I popped in the charity shop (think it's called Extra Care) - a shop I've not been in before but I spotted the shelves of books and couldn't resist.
Came out with 3 books (see extra) - 99p each and like new. They are all authors I know and like.

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