Park Watch

We went to the park again tonight, partly because I knew that it would be quite (see Crimewatch update below) - to the skate park and BMX track where I experienced fresh air under my bike wheels last night and it seems, James, has decided is his new favourite place. Dragged Corin along with his skateboard too.

Light was pretty rubbish, so my plans for some great shots of James whizzing around were scuppered, but I did get a few shots of him, Corin and the graffiti

Corin picked this shot - I liked it because the skateboard just seemed to add something to it.

Crimewatch update

Another phonecall from the police tonight - it seems that one of the youths on the motorbikes was known to the police and when they went to visit him today on a different matter, the two bikes were found at the house. I have been asked if I would be willing to provide a statement to the police!
I actually feel really good that I got off my arse and reported it, instead of just whinging about it. And I have to say how impressive the community police have been - they have reinforced my faith in our particular area policing policy, which I know is focussing on reduction of anti-social behaviour - its good to know that when you DO report something, that it is acted on.

On a side note, when I got my camera out at the park tonight, James said "are you taking more photos for the police?" DOH!!!! (Thats because he had heard the officer say to me "we could do with you and your camera out and about" after I had given her the pictures.

I'm a one woman crime stopper. Not really - just trying to do the right thing - and I guess if more people DID do it, and stood up for values such as honesty, decency and respect for others - and more importantly - WEREN'T AFRAID TO DO SO for fear of retribution or that other people would think they were being busybodies - then maybe the anti-social element of society would crawl back into their little holes.

It would have been wrong not to do something.

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