And Again with Frost!

Oh yes we did -Sue and I walked over the frosty sand to wade into the sea at 8:30 this morning. She had it from the horse’s mouth that the water temp was 4°. Who knows, it could have been judging from the numb hands as we tried to get dried. Thank goodness for the car heater on the way home.

A hot shower later and I was ready to meet the Merry Widows in Söderberg, but it was a DNS from them leaving me to be a Billy no Mates as I drank my lovely hot latte on my own…….. until I returned home and saw in my diary we were meeting at 2:30pm not 10:30am …… doh! And they say cold water is good for the brain!

With many apologies and much grovelling about the absence of a reserved table at the correct appointed hour of 2:30, I finally met up with the ladies and all was well.

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