
By NightOwl45

Reluctant Rest Day

Today, I woke up at 6.30am in a lot of fibro pain so I got up and got the electric heat pad and had some coffee and much later, some breakfast. I didn’t get to sleep until about 2am so I think that’s why I was so sore and a stressful day yesterday didn’t help. 

My foot was a little sore today. I should have changed the dressing yesterday but got too tired last night and left it on overnight. Stupid of me!

It took three hours on/off with the heat pad and doing physio exercises and stretches to feel more human so I reluctantly rescheduled an health/care appointment I had in the diary. Thankfully, the woman was very understanding and we have rebooked for next week.

I have been incredibly tired this afternoon. I forced myself to shower and change my foot burn dressing. It was incredibly painful and I didn’t do a very good job on it due to being exhausted and sore. 

I did my best and popped my sock on. Getting trainers on and off is absolute hell pain wise. I need to ask again about some sort of shoe to help as my trainers are rubbing against the wound. 

I’m going to dress it again tonight once I have had some more rest. The district nurse is coming out tomorrow to dress it and review it - they will probably take a photo, I have taken quite a few for my own records. 

I spent this afternoon resting, a friend brought me round a lovely bunch of tulips which was very kind of her and we had a coffee - she joked she would deal with the kettle given my recent stupidity, ha! How many times I have regretted making that second cup of coffee on New Year’s Day! I really hope it doesn’t take months to fully heal as I am getting more than frustrated with it. Fibromyalgia is exhausting enough without all this extra pain and anxiety.

I was very happy that I managed a shower, despite me making a poor job of the dressing. 

I was very shocked to read late last night that the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Arden, has resigned. I think she is a rare breed - a brilliant politician. I wish we had more of her like in the UK! There really needs to be more women of her high calibre in politics. 

She said she had “nothing left in the tank” and I thought it was a very brave and bold statement to make and a very helpful admission to others who may be struggling to maintain the pace of their lives, in or out of politics. Having fibromyalgia, I certainly understand burnout and chronic fatigue.

This afternoon and this evening, I had a short nap, did a bit of Duolingo German revision - it’s Day 140 of my learning streak today. I also caught up with YouTube. One of the YouTubers I particularly enjoy is Mikhila Talks (Mikhila McDaid), she has two channels. She vlogs mostly about her life, her husband, her young son and teenage daughter and her gorgeous little pug called Manny (see pics in my extras). I have been watching her content for about ten years and she has a very similar personality to me in many ways. 

She talks and reviews (mostly) budget makeup and skincare products, both of which I love. What I admire about her is that she gives very honest reviews of reasonably priced products. She has similar skin to me (oily) so whatever suits her skin almost always suits mine.

She is currently having therapy as she thinks she may have ADHD and I think she has, having watched her YouTube channels for a decade. 

Interestingly,  she has a very similar to a female friend of mine who has ADHD. Her son has also been diagnosed. I will interested to see if she gets diagnosed - I read somewhere that is is difficult to get diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, more so as an adult female. 

She also suffers from chronic pain in her neck and shoulders, which is how mine began. I really hope she doesn’t diagnosed with fibromyalgia in the future.

Staying with the theme of beauty, I had a read of my free copy of Health and Beauty magazine from Boots. It’s better than some magazines I have bought - you get it free if you have an Advantage Card. By the way, if you don’t have one, I highly recommend you get one as it is the most generous points scheme out there. You can use it online too.

My other extras are of my tired wee face (minus specs), my YouTube viewing and of a wood pigeon who comes down to see me every morning and afternoon. The little robin came down too. I believe in reincarnation and I think he is my late Uncle Robert who passed away in 2022. 

He loved driving and was a lorry driver for a living more most of his adult life and always loved red cars so I think it’s him, given the flash of red of the robin. He had such a laidback nature. I wish he had taught me to drive but he lived about sixty miles away from me.

The blue tits, a couple of blackbirds and my favourite birds, the collared doves all had a wee feed too. I enjoyed watching them from the window whilst I sat with my heat pad on this morning. I find animals and nature so therapeutic.

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Thursday, I will continue to catch up tonight and tomorrow with stars, hearts and comments.

Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read every single one but don’t always have the time or energy to reply.

Off to watch Question Time early as this NightOwl won’t last until 10.35pm tonight! :) xx

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