In The Midst Of Despair, Hope Endures

On This Day In History
1942: Nazi officials discuss the Final Solution at Wannsee Conference

Quote Of The Day
"If we do not fulfill our historical task because we are too objective and humane, one will nonetheless not grant us moderating circumstances. It will only be said: They did not fulfill their task before history ..... If for example every German out of pity excludes even just "one decent" Jew or Freemason from the fight, that would mean sixty million exceptions."
(Reinhard Heydrich)

I had a wonderful day at school. My Year Four pupils did themselves proud in their performance at the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial Assembly this morning. Honestly, I could not wish for a better class. I was more than happy to stay late after school to put up this display of the artwork and poetry they created for the assembly. It follows the theme of hope over despair, a lesson that comes across strongly in the way that the beautiful city of Kobe rebounded so splendidly from the devastating earthquake of 1995.

When things are dark, good will always prevail. That's a valuable lesson for children of all ages to learn, from nine months to ninety years.

The Sun And The Rainfall

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