First day skiing

Josefine was skiing first time ever today. She was skiing entusiastically nearly 2 hours at a ski school arena for children. She will be old enough to join the school next season. Today we were there to guide her. It was easy. She was watching what the other children did and wanted to do the same. I was impressed by what she was able to do. She looked a bit proud of herself too, smiling as she walked. Mrs B and father Magnus looked even more impressed  Julius slept in his pram. Josefine has birthday in a short while. We will give her a proper ski outfit.  I am invited for dinner tonight with the menu of fermented trout, boiled potatoes, onion and sour cream, beer and aquavit. I will thus be off line for comments. Wish you a lovely Friday evening, and weekend when it comes. I hope to get a ski trip tomorrow.    

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