All for for freedom and for pleasure

This morning I woke at 630am to a photo from Tooli pre her 10km run along the Corniche in Doha.

She was running with one of her friends H and has done next to no training. I think she ran one day while she was home (and that was only three weeks ago).

Look at how excited and happy they both are !!!

See my extras to see her bouncing along there - doesn’t that make your heart sing! I’m so proud of her!

I was even more delighted when I received messages from two of her other friends who had got up to cheer her on and see her over the finish line!

She had no idea that they were coming and she was just delighted to see them!

I am just so proud of her … look her running along there …. Big foreign country, far away, lots of friends supporting her.

She is just living life to the fullest.

Inspirational - to me anyways

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