I walked down to the village this afternoon as I had a parcel to collect at the post office and I also needed to pick up my repeat prescription at the chemists.  Popped into Herons and Tesco before coming home. Saw these lovely flowers in Tesco and took a quick photo for my Flower Friday entry.

All the snow has gone and the pavements were nice and dry.  It was also milder today than it has been for a while.

I had my meal early and then got ready to go out.  I was off to the pantomime Beauty and The Beast at the local comprehensive school.  This was the panto that was originally scheduled for 9th December but it had to be postponed.  There are only two performances - this evening and tomorrow afternoon.  I got the impression from Facebook that some of the cast who were originally due to perform in December  weren't available for the rescheduled dates so they had to find some replacements.  It was an amateur production and included a lot of local children who did the dancing. 

If I was to be critical I would say that it was a bit of a shambles.  The storyline was disjointed, there were songs and dancing that had nothing to do with the story,  a lot of the dancers didn't seem to know the moves, the sound quality was bad, quite a few of the cast didn't know their lines, there were periods of inactivity where no-one seemed to know what came next...... BUT all the cast tried their best, it was great fun and the audience loved it.   It was certainly worth the £5 I paid for my ticket.

It was supposed to start at 7pm but it was running late. The official finish time was 9pm but it didn't actually finish till 10pm.  It was strange walking home at that time of night.  The streets were very quiet with no-one else about.  

Steps today - 11,984

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