Work experience

This morning one of our neighbours popped in with her daughter, L, to meet me. Apparently L has been suffering from stress & anxiety since starting high school and it's been suggested that spending time with a dog may help. Ann's been wanting to get me trained up as a therapy pet for some time now, but logistically it's not been possible, because she never knows until the last minute what she's working and her shifts are never the same each week. Anyway, Ann said that she would be more than happy to help and if I can do a bit of 'unofficial therapy', then maybe, when Ann has more time to put me through the proper training, I'll have had some work experience.

L absolutely loved me. Well, to be honest, everyone absolutely loves me because I am such a super friendly, chillaxed little collie pup. The only thing I did that Ann said was inappropriate behaviour........... was lick L and her mum. They didn't mind, but Ann did. I NEVER lick Ann because I know she doesn't like it, but I always try to lick visitors. Have any of you ever noticed how long my tongue is. I have a very long tongue which is very good for licking. Lol! Not sure when I'll see L again because we're going to be spending most of February in Cornwall, but hey ho, it's the first step on the ladder to me becoming a 'therapy dog'.

This afternoon, Joe & Kirsty took me for my walk. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, Joe & Kirsty. They've taken me out a few times now and they always report back to Ann that I've been a very good girl. Today they took me to Inverleith Park to play with one of my manky old balls. Whenever they take me out they always take treats for me Ann hasn't taken treats on my walk for me since I was a weeny, teeny little puppy and they always let me take one of my manky old balls because Ann told them I won't do any silly puppy jumping up at people if I have a manky old ball in my mouth. I had a lovely time in the park, but just look at my paws............... It was slightly warmer today, so all of Monday's snow is melting and that obviously made the park a bit muddy. My human doesn't mind. She just wants me to be happy and have fun. 

Joe & Kirsty are the best! And they're going to come and stay in our flat and look after me when Ann goes away with her friends for a couple of nights at the beginning of February.

So today........... I passed my first therapy work experience with flying colours this morning, and my report from Joe & Kirsty this afternoon was also excellent.

Ann is a very proud collie pup mummy this evening.

…..............And I'm snoozing in my bed because being this good all day has worn me out. Lol!!!

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