Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Birthday Boy

Roo is nine years old today, I picked him up when he was 8 weeks old and we have barely been apart since.

This is him aged 8 weeks blue eyed boy!!!So tiny.

I can't put into words how much I love this dog, not only is he a great companion, but he's also very good at the job he does a therapy dog, he's the best in the business, such a cool head on tiny shoulders!!!!

Nine years have flown past it seems only yesterday when I picked him up and telephoned my flat mate and said "I've got one,"got what was the answer is it a girl; No it's a boy!! what you playing at we have two girls here; but Roo came home and fitted in.

I've said it before and ill say it again it was once said ; Diamonds are a girls best friend what a load of rubbish!!!!

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