
Another photo in my series 'Nice Buildings Against A Blue Sky'. Long may the blue skies last!

I took this from the approach to Piccadilly Station as I walked up to catch the train for Sheffield to meet my old friend, Mike, for lunch. I first met him through work - he has a graphic design agency with whom we've worked from time to time - so it seems odd that he's an old friend, but it has been over eighteen years since I started the business properly, and I've known Mike for most of that time.

We had lunch at a pub called The Museum, which I would hesitate to recommend, although I enjoyed lunch very much. But that was down to the company and not the food. And it was great to catch up, mainly because Mike's a lovely guy, but also because there's nothing more therapeutic than lunch with someone who also runs a business.

And it would have been unthinkable to visit Sheffield and not see Abi, so after lunch I had a couple of drinks with her before I caught the train back to Manchester. She was on great and entertaining form; university life suits her very well indeed.

The Minx was at the theatre to see 'Pride And Prejudice', this evening, so from Piccadilly, I walked up to the Northern Quarter to have dinner with Simon, which was yet another treat. Last year, he talked about moving away from photography towards film and music, which seemed like a bold move, but he is busy - and slightly stressed - now that he has four film and music projects on. Amazing!

And after that, I walked back to the house to await the Minx, and to give her the clothbound hardback of 'Pride And Prejudice' that I picked up in Sheffield's Waterstones :-)

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