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By pplnani


......... we had a really lovely walk around the fields in the sunshine this afternoon. The thermometer said only 2 degrees so I put on an extra layer as I got quite chilly last time we walked there but I actually got quite warm today - can’t win, can you :-/
However, I really enjoyed the walk today especially when we were joined by a flock of a dozen or more of these gorgeous Long Tailed Tits darting about in the hedges and trees and twittering away to each other as they constantly stayed just a few feet ahead of us as we ambled along - it took us ages to walk that section as we kept stopping to watch them ......... what a joy it was ;-)

I also saw ( and missed a photo of ) a Red Kite sitting on a neighbour’s television aerial - never seen one so near a house before!!
Plus, I managed to miss photos of Buzzard on a fence, a Kestrel at the very top of a nearby tree and a fox crossing the footpath only a short distance in front of us ......... I’m obviously well out of practice, I need to up my game a bit, I think :-/

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