
Day began with me setting the toaster on fire, then the chimney but managed to quell it with cold ash. Youngest was at the second part of a job interview where they asked her to shadow someone but when she got there it was all about sales pitch & hard sell and almost had her convinced she could sell at least one of this product type a day and pay related to that! Managed to persuade her to walk away and stay where she is and keep looking. That was not the job she applied for or was told about at the interview yesterday. She did turn it down then was a bit down at wasting a day but when we pointed out to her that she got interview experience and was brave enough to see through their offr that boosted her up some. Life is hard enough for young people without companies offering them shit jobs just so those h igher up the chain can tick their allocated number box!
She lives to fight another day and look for some more stuff that suits her skills ie hard working good face on people skills and admin.
Didnt get much in the way of decent photos today so this one of Pene taken this morning and doctored will have to suffice
Happy blipping all

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