A gift for us

Our neighbour who we went to visit last night made a lemon panettone for us, we had some tonight and it was wonderful.

A busy day back to clearing the shed for the lady in the house behind us.  Today we took down one side and took all the wood to the tip.  It was freezing cold and the wood was rather frozen in places.  Next time we should be able to fully take down the shed and clear all the wood and finish the job.  Although we are happy to help the lady, we also want to improve the view we have of her garden, which we have done already by clearing the rubbish.  We are now keen to finish what we agreed to do and have our weekends back.  Hopefully one more day and we will be done. I am sure the lady will be very grateful but she allows her dog to poo all over the garden and no one clears up after the dog, therefore it is never going to be a nice family space which is what maybe we had hoped to create when we stared helping.    However, it will be rubbish free and if they choose to try and clear it up it will be much easier than it would have been.

In the afternoon we went for a wander around a garden centre and then back home for dinner and some rather nice wine.

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