This Photograph Is Proof.

By romanceisdead


Year 13 Assembly
Study - Design
Interval - Design
Lunch - Chamber
Design :)

So, today was a bit of everything, forgot about the english assessment we had today, KJ was kind enough to remind me five minutes before, just enough time for me to completely freak out. Ended up doing the essay I didn't do yesterday cause I didn't go to class, that was the first class i've ever bunked in 5 years of high school :S

Chamber Music practice at lunch, we have a competition in 3 weeks? I think, it's coming along quite nicely. And it sounds beautiful, 2x flutes = piano.

Keep putting this History off, but a bibliography isn't going to write it's self.

Production after school. 18 days to go! Dancing in 3 assemblies next week, as part of the promotional side of things. There are leg warmers to find, shirts to screen print and polishing of dances to do.

This is a new element to my blip. Slightly geeky, but it intrests me :)

Today in NZ History:
1920 - Fingerprints help convict murderer
In the Auckland Supreme Court, Dennis Gunn was convicted of the murder of a postmaster and sentenced to death. In what was possibly a world-first involving a capital crime, Gunn's conviction was based almost entirely on fingerprint evidence.


Note: This is a element of my Design CD insert :) Hope to blip it when it's finished.

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