
By fairyhedgehog

Duck pond again

The duck pond is still frozen but it is above freezing outside. Just!

Another quiet day but at least I felt up to the walk. The geese weren't there, nor the pigeons, but the ducks and gulls were happy to see me. Or happy to see the food anyway!

I'm thinking of giving up on Duolingo. It's so very tedious and won't let me skip ahead because of minor errors - including one by Duolingo. It marked my answer as incorrect and told me what the right answer was. I checked letter by letter and couldn't see any difference! I used to like to take in a story now and then but now you can only listen to a story when Duolingo says you've reached that point. I'm tired of learning how to talk about people's college majors.

Thank you everyone for your kind comments and stars yesterday. Hope you all have a good day.

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