
At Christmas we received a jar of superior strawberry jam. I've been meaning to make scones for a 'cream' (yoghurt actually) tea ever since. This morning I did some baking and, as I took a photo to send to the jam giver, I'm using it for blip too. I love the little jam pots, French ceramic, bought on the Isle of Skye some twenty years ago.

Good catch up with my four friends this morning. Later this morning I'm taking Flora for her annual health check. Unfortunately the vet is still only working from the Callander surgery (40 minute drive) rather than the one in Stirling (30 second walk). I'll make use of being in Callander to have a walk but all the same I'd rather have time not travelling.

Unbelievably, after yesterday's two yoga sessions, I'll be back at the 'wind down' class this evening by which time I'll be well and truly stretched.

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