
By momcat1

First snow

It bookended pouring rain with thunder , but still managed to leave the trees looking like they were dusted with powdered sugar and pretty. More in Wednesday maybe ???
There are at least 5 feral cats in this area , one with two 4-6 month old kittens and also appears pregnant again. My uncle said they rounded up a bunch last summer and ( I assume did a neuter and drop off)  let them out on an agreeable farm. I think the neighbor has been feeding them some and I admit to putting out food while I am here. There are 4 barns within a half mile that I hope they hang out at in cold weather- one has cattle and probably some hay , and the other larger barn still has hay in it which would keep them warm. It is hard because ferals like these don't let you get close  and  may have FIV, FIP or feline leukemia . having a cat already eliminates bringing one home even if you could get near it. There are arguments over catch , neuter and release programs because of the birds they kill, the ethics of putting them back into the wild where they can be hit by cars, catch diseases, get caught by eagles or coyotes. But they often don't socialize at all in shelters and end up euthanized when they are brought in. Rotten situation all the way around. Best outcome if when there is a stable home which puts food out regularly and gives them an outdoor shelter as they may become semi socialized .

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