Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Sunday — Beach Watching

Late this afternoon I said, "Let's get outta here for awhile." So harnesses and leashes were put on the pups and we were out the door. Chloe & Mitzi love the short 2 block walk to St. Joseph's Catholic Church, so instead of hopping in the car, I told Mr. Fun to pick us up at the church parking lot.

We actually got to the parking lot ahead of him because he stopped to chat with Marco, our neighbor. Chloe and Mitzi had sniffed and squatted several dozen times on our way to the corner church, so when Mr. Fun arrived they were ready to snuggle into their backseat beds to accompany us on whatever adventure we chose.

Stopping at every coastal access in our little Cayucos town was our decision. A good choice it was. The shoreline, the waves, and the beach walkers are all interesting to watch. Because of the recent storms the topography of the local beach has changed significantly. I captured a zillion photos and Mr. Fun got a few too.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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