
Not a bad day. Up quite early, laundry folded and put away, exercises done.  The plan was to go shopping but I put that off till tomorrow and, as it's still mild, did some clearing up in the garden. A new bit of fencing is being put up in February.  I did quite a lot so what's left won't take too long to finish. Came in and spent ages standing up doing my jigsaw.  Why I didn't sit down I know not.  My knee was killing me so I had a heat pad  with rather a late lunch.  After that I settled for crosswords. Quardle and a read. It was supposed to get colder  by the weekend but the latest forecast is for mildness to continue.  A few aconites have come out so maybe more gardening is on the cards.  McSween's Haggis for dinner.  Enjoy Burns night.

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