
By KCNQ2Haiku

Swimming and Currys

Busy day for Ben.
Struggled with swimming, and then
hard to get in car.

Ben's Wednesdays are quite busy, school either take him cycling or take him to the shops in the morning and swimming in the afternoon, today they went to currys first, where he looked at all the microwaves and ovens :-/ Then he went swimming in the afternoon, apparently he struggled, particularly to get out and get dressed.  It's a definite regression in behaviour as this is how he was a couple of years ago but we had made really good progress with compliance around swimming and getting dressed.  It's just indicative of the wider problems he's facing at the moment.  He was agitated when I arrived to collect him so it took a while to get him settled for the journey.  He has been pushy since we got home but overall we've managed.
I also had the dentist today which was kind of OK and popped to the shops whilst Mr KCNQ2Haiku had Leo, he was glad when I was back as Leo is getting quite mischievous now and not easy to look after whilst you're supposed to be working!!  He's been pretty good for me today, despite a few backward steps in house training :-/ We tried his harness on again, he's still Not A Fan.  Mostly I was finishing off paperwork for Ben's annual review of his EHCP so that was a bit time consuming.  All done now for the meeting next week, so that's a weight off my mind :-) 
And I hoovered.  Clearly I'm winning today!

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