Jan 25

Another EB today. I didn't know what traffic would be like going across the bridge to Halifax this morning so I made sure I left in plenty of time to get to where I was working by 9 am.  Of course because I left early, there was very little traffic.
I was working with a different team lead today, one that I had not worked with before. C had told me that D is a bit of a lone wolf, and D did say that she is used to working alone. D would be willing to work with me again. It is easier for me to work with C, since she shows up early and has things organized by the time the helpers arrive. The third helper had to leave early today and it was only the second time she had done a reline. We would have been under our time if she had not left. I only had to add an extra half hour to my time.
Heavy rain and strong winds in the forecast for tomorrow. It will be a stay home kind of day,

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