
By cowgirl

" Go wash your mouth out young lady! "

That was what I said to Fossey as I dragged her away from a cow pat that she was tucking in to. Blow me, if she didn't do just that when we got to the stream a few minutes later!

Ok, ok, she's actually looking for sticks to play with. She finds one more often than not too.

Blipping late as my day has been like this; walked Foss, made Brownies for Rob's birthday, popped over to a local music shop to buy drumsticks and a cow bell as gifts for him, worked at Pickleberry for a couple of hours, did a food shop at Tesco's , took Fossey for her afternoon walk, arrived home for dinner ( thank goodness Sav likes to cook! ), washed up, baked a ginger cake so's Jo and I have something to nibble on with our coffee tomorrow as we're having a catch up and finally, applied a fresh coat of henna to my hair.

Ready for a bit of shut eye now, will have to catch up with comments tomorrow. Nighty night all!

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