Travels With 4 Wheel Fred

By HRGibbon


It's been all go today. Shopping here and there. Then a trip to Penrith for an appointment for the parentals. They've been busy, I've been trying to do constructive stuff to fill in the time. Sat drinking cups of tea in the George Hotel, scribbling notes and ideas and "to do" lists.

I love pens, paper and the act of writing stuff down, but sometimes I can see the advantage of a netbook or small laptop. I type quite a bit faster than I write and sometimes my brain is working at a speed my pen just can't keep up with!!

Tonight I went out to the pub to see some school friends for a catch up.

I learnt some very, very sad news though, that made me realise how much we have to treasure every moment of our lives and the people that surround us.

As I headed home through the narrow, primrose and lamb filled lanes, over the little bridges and out onto the top of the world, the sun was just starting to set.

A few more corners & then I was surrounded by Kershope forest. Where the trees had been felled, the hedges stood tall, silhouetted against the sky.

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