
I have recently, often in the small hours, once again been sorting out the 'family treasures'  of which I am the guardian curator. The goal is to reduce the volume to be able to store everything in a more accessible way. I've gone through this process several times since losing Dad in 2014, with the philosophy that other peoples memories may have no sentimental or monetary value for future generations. As the years pass it does get easier to let go, whilst keeping those things that are important to me and/or have a meaningful story for descendants to treasure. In addition to the bric-a-brac, photos and books (both collections including some dating back to the turn of the C19th), there is the music library of my concert pianist and music teaching mother. One such volume is this beautifully bound score of piano music by Belgian composer Arthur de Greef (1862-1940), inscribed in French, by the composer as an 'affectionate souvenir' to someone whose name I don't recognise, dated 28th April 1900. This beautiful score is amongst the volumes mum inherited from a local pianist and although there is no family connection, it has so far survived all my cullings simply because it is a beautiful window to someone's story in a world long gone. So, its fate is safe with me, and will eventually be the decision of the next guardian of the collection. 

The photo was taken in the small hours this morning as I got stuck in memory lane until nearly 3am so I was super tired when I got up at 10.30 - necessary as Phil-the-builder was here. A fairly hefty Asda shop and then I was occupied mid afternoon onwards with preparing dinner for bro, niece and nephew who all arrived around 6pm and left about 3 hours later when I resisted the urge to disappear in to memory lane, so watched some TV until just after midnight.

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