
How are the Mighty Fallen! I can’t remember ever spending a morning in bed because I was feeling ill, but I finally succumbed today after a sleepless night with a temperature, a headache and feeling poorly. I was forced to phone Sue C at 7am and tell her I couldn’t make the dook and I was staying a-bed to try and get some sleep.

It appears to be a nasty head cold with sore eyes and a nose that is buried permanently in a tissue. Since I like to blame the source of this virus, I suspect it was that packed #30 bus I took to Fort Kinnaird on Tuesday. It was completely chock-a- block and so stifling inside, the viruses must have been having a field day.

Tonight before bed, I will swallow 2 paracetamol with a very large gin and tonic. Hopefully that will sort things out.

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